In the story Jeremiah Stone, Eris is an angel who is first sent to kill Zygi Wolf and later ends up as Isis ’ protector. If you know Greek mythology at all, you might questions why GOD would send in Eris to begin with because she is strife incarnate. Secondly, though she is a warrior, why use her as a protector of Isis instead of sending her after Hades. The answer is many fold, so I will discuss them in order.
First of all, Hades and Loki have created an empire on Earth which has remained hidden right under the noses of the angels. In fact, everything is so meticulously setup and covered up by the two demons that finding a weakness in either of them before being destroyed is unlikely. By sending in Eris to protect Isis, it keeps Eris out of the fray while allowing her ability to take hold.
So why would this be important? Eris’ ability is more than just strife and discord, its chaos. Just the fact her power is nearly identical to that of Loki’s means the pot will be stirred in random ways. By sending her in to protect Isis , her ability to create chaos and sow randomness into the equation, may possibly change Hades’ and Loki’s carefully laid plans. And in some ways, her randomness counters Loki’s own unpredictability leveling them both out so Jeremiah can anticipate what both of them will do. In a way, their two chaotic personalities almost create a predictable pattern.
In addition, Jeremiah’s own ability and beliefs, especially with Eris around, make him less structured. This gives him a level of unpredictability in the presence of Eris, making his normal well-thought out moves more random in appearance. This is one of the reasons why Hades exits the picture and brings in Opus Wright. Hades can’t follow Jeremiah’s train of thought with Eris around. So the best he can do is hope to lure Jeremiah into a trap or have Opus finish him off first.
For these reasons, Eris is continually sent back as Isis ’ protector even though the two of them don’t necessarily get along.
One more thing, Jeremiah’s belief in himself is not swayed by Eris. In fact, the tension between Eris and Jeremiah fuels both of them into doing their best because neither one trusts the other. This is the other reason Eris is sent.
Finally, the biggest difference between Eris and Loki is she was never tempted by Lucifer’s promise and therefore remained an angel. Now this may seem like a small thing, but it’s not. It means she is solely dedicated towards GOD’s plan and does not waver, so she will do anything and everything within her power in order to carry out HIS will, even if it means sacrificing herself for the greater good.