Monday, October 24, 2011

Jeremiah Stone - Hades

As discussed in Forevers, Hades is one of the most consistently manipulative demons on Earth, yet there is so much more to him than just surviving. Besides being Hades, the demon has also played the part of other less well known ancient gods on earth. The most significant on these was his portrayal of Mot, a god of death and darkness, who was split by a sword, winnowed in a sieve, burned, ground into dust, and devoured by crows only to come back to life. In reality, this was the demon’s first planned transference from one host to another thus giving him the appearance of surviving anything. That legacy has carried the demon throughout the ages until his time as Hades.

As the god Hades, the demon played his most important and memorable role on Earth and as such has retained the name Hades. His given name has been lost in time except by only a few.
In Hell, Hades was also one of the first to learn Lucifer’s power. Since then he has tuned it through centuries of dealing with humanity becoming one of the most manipulative creatures on Earth. And since Lucifer is forbidden to interact directly with humans, Hades often assumes the demon’s personification in demonic rituals. Also, like when dealing with Opus Wright, Hades takes on the guise of Death, a role he had played many times affecting history in dozens of ways.

In the story Jeremiah Stone, Hades and Loki are the villains. Together they create an entire company based on around a group of cult followers while using Loki’s power and influence with the mob to clear the way. It isn’t until Jeremiah Stone messes with Hades’ next host when things go awry. Even while Hades seeks to destroy Jeremiah by capturing Isis and leading the man into a trap, Hades finds himself looking toward his own vulnerabilities. And seeing as Jeremiah always seems to be victorious, Hades plans for the worst by cultivating his next host just in case Jeremiah Stone does get lucky. Hades, however, never loses.


  1. Awesome. I remember reading a book a long time ago about a demon who was blasted apart by sunlight, but then his ashes were gathered and given to 7 virgins and they gave birth to 7 children and somehow, this all led to the demon's rebirth. The story of Hades made me remember that for some reason. I guess my Asperger's is kicking in....

  2. @morgurth: Sounds like it :-)

    Hades is one bad-ass's interesting that he thrives on fear and it seems like he's a difficult, if not impossible, enemy to defeat. I'm interested in how this character will play out :-)

  3. @morgurth: Time to get back on your medication... lol
