Sunday, March 4, 2012


So I’m a bit stuck in my current path. I’ve finished editing Limbus, which was easier than I expected and reminded me of the story I’ve written. Though Limbus finishes climatically, I know the next book in the series, Azazel, continues right where Limbus leaves off. It’s exciting and while I have the editing bug I wonder if I should continue the editing while the story is still fresh or put it down and get back to writing, my true passion.

At the same time I’ve hit a writer’s block on Burden. Though I love the concept of the book (and I think it’s going to be great), I’m having a problem conveying the downtrodden feeling the main character is enduring. I get the feeling there needs to be more desperation, more need. It’s as if he can take it or leave it right now whereas I need him to have no other choice but to continue on. I’m not sure how to get him there. Once there though, I can see things will pick-up and my story will develop quickly.

So as you can see I’m in a bit of a dilemma on whether I continue writing though not fully committed to the story while hoping it will guide me correctly. Or do I come back to it at another time when I have a true concept of where I want to go with it. Normally I let the story lead me, but I want this to be more thought out, more planned.

I guess what I’m asking it should I continue with editing the Jeremiah Stone series or should I struggle along with Burden?

On another note, my first book should be on the stands. It’s a major milestone in my life and something I never really considered achieving. I’ve spent years trying to get published with no success and now it’s occurred through a chance encounter. Sometimes I guess it’s good to be lucky.


  1. Sounds like you should continue editing Jeremiah Stone series, especially since you have a writers block on Burden. I think when you're ready to continue Burden, you'll know ;-) Don't fight it!

  2. Taking your advice and getting the editing out of the way with while its fresh in my mind. Burden will remain there and I'm actually getting a few ideas where the books should lead next.
    I also got an idea for another book, though not sure on the title yet (something along the lines of 'The Wicked').
