Sunday, April 8, 2012


I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I get a thrill out of writing. Not only is there a sense of accomplishment when I finish a project, but I also get to explore my imagination. I get to test the limits of my mind against the reality in which I live. Maybe this is different for those who write outside the sci-fi/fantasy genre, but for me it’s a great experience.

Now I have to admit a month ago my first book got published so it’s probably changed my attitude a bit because I can see the fruition to my years of labor, but I doubt it’s been a significant change. What it has provided me with, however, is motivation. It’s given me a greater sense of accomplishment while encouraging me to explore new depths. I also think it’s pushed me harder to find new storylines which are different and far beyond what I normally am comfortable with, though it’s not the first time this has happened.

A while ago an old friend of mine challenged me to write something out of genre, so I wrote a romance novel. Albeit it’s a little different from everything I’ve heard or read about because it’s written from a man’s perspective. After all, it’s what I know, but even then it was an exploration of myself which I believe has altered my style of writing just a little. It’s also pushed me to put more feeling into what I write, not that any of my writing would be aimed at a wholly female audience. I mean I do have limits. (LOL)

Now back to this newfound thrill of writing. It’s already made me make changes to the story I’m currently writing. Whereas Burden was always going to need a female element in it, that section of the story has increased in clarity and importance. I just hope I can do it justice. Seeing as the book is also being written in first person, I hope I can portray the feelings needed to make everything more believable, more personal. I know it’ll be a challenge, but if you don’t challenge yourself then you’ll never grow.

Moving in the opposite direction of Burden, I’ve come up with three storylines which are much darker than anything I’ve written (ever). In each of them I hope to explore a new part of me while properly conveying the emotions, the desperation, and the fear to the reader. Whether I can accomplish any of this is up for discussion since horror is not my norm, but in the end I hope each novel will only add more depth to my writing skills.

I do have one daunting task ahead of me though. The whole purpose behind writing Jeremiah Stone was to get published so eventually I’d have a resume’ of accomplishments before putting out my originally written series of nine books. That series, however, needs to be reviewed and edited, adjusted and consolidated, and probably re-written. Just thinking about it makes me shiver in dread. Maybe that’s why I push myself to discover new stories instead of reviewing my past ones. One day I’ll have to tackle it because it’s my original work of art and the whole reason I wanted to get published in the first place.

Until then, I’ll ride my current wave of inspiration while getting a thrill out of every written word.


  1. I've kind of experienced the opposite. A bit of a letdown, like a football team will feel in the year after they win the super bowl. I didn't lose any motivation, but I lost a bit of focus and was left with a void to it's been uncomfortable, but I'm working my way through it for the better, I think.

  2. I've read Romance Novel and thought it was a unique insight into the often more-complicated-then-men-want-to-admit mind of the male species :)

    Don't dread the fact that you have to edit the series of excited for the opportunity to fine tune your masterpieces and share them with the work :)

  3. Keep working at it J.R.
    And though editing is not my favorite thing to do, I'll get through it... eventually.
