Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Simple Reality

From the moment of our birth, we have the hope of never dying. We wish to live forever, to forget about our mortality. We never plan on death occurring. We never believe every moment could be our last. Because of this our spirit floats among the heavens.

Then as we age, we come down to earth. As the years pile up we begin to ground ourselves realizing there is an end. With this knowledge we try to live it up, to experience all we can on this world. We travel, we cherish, we experience what we all believe to be the best things in life.

Then when our bodies collapse under the pressures of old age, our universe shrinks even further. No longer do we envision the stars or moon, or even proffer to the sun’s magnificence, but rather find solace in the four plain walls surround us. And when we look up, we no longer see the stars, but rather just painted spackle. Nor do we dream as we did in our youth.

And when that moment comes and we drift off to whatever existence we deem as ‘our’ place, we should all remember one thing. We are all part of one, shared moment. We have lived forever. We have all witnessed the creation of the Universe. We have all come from the darkness and seen the light. We are made out of collapsing stars. We have crossed light years and remain immortal. Most of all, our journey is not ending, but rather we are still just witnessing the beginning. And our time does not tick away in seconds or minutes or years, but rather in that fact we shall be reborn again in a thousand lives as our atoms once again become a part of everything.

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