Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mage of Chaos: Theory on the Gods - pt. 1

Now that we understand how the universe has been viewed by three very different scholars, we can take the next step into understanding the gods of the realm. Again, we start with Dilmoth and what he believes about the gods and their existence.

Dilmoth’s Deity Premise: Each god exists as a simple consciousness swimming in a pool of energy known as the Deity Plane. The plane, unlike ours, is primarily energy with little association to time. This gives the gods the ability to see past, present, and future through the use of energy. They use energy to manipulate time just as we use time to manipulate energy. However, the gods are without physical form unless manifesting themselves outside the Deity Plane. To do this, however, they must slow energy through time to create solid forms, yet even those are distorted when viewed. It could be compared to trying to hold a lantern steady in a gusty wind; in which the lantern is time and the wind is energy. However, with the energy they do have, they can create entire, yet bounded, planes of existence for their worshippers to exist upon within the Astral Plane, just as we are able to create material objects through conscious will. However, since the gods are not tied to time, as we are, the conscious creation of a plane, though taking a relatively short amount of time, can and do last forever.

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