Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Mage of Chaos: Theory on Magic - pt.2

Though this is just a summary during Moordikiin's earlier years, he saw the future. However, he wasn't prepared for what the future would bring. And he paid little precaution to the eminent disaster his discoveries would bring.

Moordikiin’s Premise: During the past century or so, great strides have been made in the area of magic as Dilmoth predicted. No longer must a mage use his own body’s energy to create an envelope of time thus slowing energy to create matter, but he's able to use energy, time, and his mind in harmonic unison to harness the three into matter. The use of symbols has now become wide spread along with adjoining sign and speech. The symbols are based upon the original symbols of the individual gods and therefore imparting different powers and aspects of magic. In the beginning, symbols were unreliable, as Dilmoth claims, but through the years the materials from which the symbols are created and the drawing of the symbols themselves has increased their reliability thereby increasing their power. However, no symbol ever created by man is perfect and therefore can be un-made. Only those symbols created by the gods themselves are perfect and unbreakable except by another god, even if that were possible.

This refinement of symbolic recreation has been accomplished through several recent discoveries and some reverse logic on the part of myself and other magic users. With this done, magic users of today are able to tap into other hidden resources concerning both time and energy. Still, other mages are experimenting with power in order to lengthen the average life span and are even able to practice minor healing methods many thought were only within the ability of clerics. The next several decades will present some very exciting times within the mage community.

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