Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bucket Lists

Let me begin by saying I don’t really have a bucket list (per se'), but there are things I want to do before my time passes. I don’t have them written down here, but rather have written down what I feel are the 10 more significant things I’ve completed in my life. And if you feel up to it, add your list to mine.
1.       I’ve had mass with the Pope within Vatican City.
2.       I have bathed in the healing waters of the Dead Sea.
3.       I have walked the path of Jesus and been moved with each step.
4.       I have driven over 155 mph on the German Autobahn.
5.       I have shot-the-gap around the Arch de Triumph in Paris.
6.       I have watched a game of Bache ball played by old men in the hills above Monaco.
7.       I have skied the French Alps (which is the only time I’ve ever skied).
8.       I have seen glaciers crumble into the ocean in Alaska.
9.       I have stood above a live volcano in Hawaii.
10.   I have mourned the deaths of thousands in Pearl Harbor.
Most importantly, I have loved. It’s not on the list, but it’s possibly the most important thing I’ve ever done.
Whoever may read this list may find my order of things a bit out of place and suffice it to say the bottom seven items all have relatively the same significance to me. I have shed more tears (especially in Dachau) then I care to admit and only the joy of driving seems to refresh my outlook on life, which is why those two items garner higher ranking.
There are other things I could add; like the birth of my son or even the World Series game I attended in which my wife mocked Derek Jeter while being 8-months pregnant. Needless to say it was highly memorable. And there are many more beyond that; Oktoberfest in Munich, climbing the steps of the Eifel Tower, spending a week on a sailboat in Desolation Sound, watching Nolan Ryan pitch, gazing up at the fireworks while on The Mall on 4th of July, having a picnic in Central Park, watching a night launch of the Space Shuttle, and so on.
There is one thing, however, I would put at the top of the list without hesitation, though for now it only remains in my heart.  Only a few know of it and most likely I will take it to my grave in solemn remembrance, but to think of it chokes me up every time. And more significantly, it is only during times like this which bring it to my thoughts. I can only hope my prayer was answered.


  1. Awesome list my friend!

    Here is mine (not in order):

    1. Shook the hand of a King (Jordan).
    2. Stood over a volcano in Hawaii.
    3. Bathed in the River Jordan
    4. Shook the hand of my idol. Stan Lee
    5. Visited the wonder of Petra, Jordan.
    6. Lived within 100ft of Nuclear reactor.
    7. Spent months living "greater than 800ft" beneath the Ocean.
    8. Took a train trip from Connecticut to Washington St.
    9. Visiting Nagasaki.
    10.Visited 44 of 50 states.

    Didn't make it to a World Series game but did get my picture taken with the trophies. Swam with Barracudas off the Florida Keys. Was married on the beach on Hawaii. I have swam across the equator, South to North. Listened to Blue Whales talk. Visited the DMZ in Seoul Korea. Seen the magnificent busy-ness that is Tokyo.

    Beaten Cancer!

    Thanks for this Scott - it's good to reflect sometimes.

  2. Awesome list Dan and very cool... I wanted to visit Petra when I was in Israel, but it was not recommend to cross the border at the time. And I bet Nagasaki felt a lot like Dachau.

    Thanks for sharing.

  3. That is an awesome list :-) Your accomplishments do make you want to explore your own desires. Is it terrible that I haven't yet found what I want to do in life? I am working on it though ;-)

    I can say without a doubt that my travel to Europe last summer really opened my eyes to a different way of life and allowed me experience culture, food, and all that is great. Now I have a taste for more...so maybe I'd say at the top of my list is to experience more of that :-)

  4. @AmazonGoddess: I must say that traveling; experiencing new foods, people, and cultures is one of the things I enjoy the most, second only to relaxing with good company and good food. Hope you get to see and experience more.

  5. Great List Scott, I think I may just have to take your idea, link it back to you and make my own list! This is an awesome opportunity for a group project!
