Sunday, December 25, 2011

Back to Writing

So I guess it’s time to get back to writing. Recently, if you haven’t been able to tell, I’ve been distracted and the subjects of my blog show it. Maybe it was the holiday season where life becomes busier and thoughts of friends and family take a more permanent position at the front of my mind. Maybe it’s just because I became bored discussing books which have yet to see the light of day. Either way, I’ve come full circle and return to Jeremiah Stone, of which I have two things to discuss.

First, and for those who know my Facebook account (, I’ve posted a few options on what my book cover could look like. Of course the graphics were not what I initially requested, but then I discovered the person creating the covers is limited to stock photos from a website. Granted, there are literally millions of photos available to use (and I’ve looked through thousands of them), but few of them conveyed what I truly wanted. This is not to say there weren’t bits and pieces which I liked, but even cropping and pasting those together wouldn’t work. What I expected when providing a list of photos concerning how I wanted people to look or body positioning was that new photos or graphics would be created, not a collage of things I found. After seeing the first cover suggestion (which was based on the photos list I provided), I realized what I’d done and how my preferences were interpreted. Since then, I’ve been clearer and done more research on precisely what I’m looking for, to include examples not from just the one website. Now what I really need are a few opinions on the covers I’ve posted.

Second, and I say this with both a desire to have it happen while knowing the reality that it’s very unlikely to happen, I’d love to see Jeremiah Stone become a movie. It’s a dream, but let’s face it, we all have dreams. At least this one of mine is plausible because I wrote the story (actually all 4 novels) with this idea in mind. I imagined every scene, pictured it all in my head, before I put a single word onto paper. I couple this desire, however, with what I’ve seen in the movies of late. And I’m not saying the most recent movies are bad, but rather the digital effects being created are awesome almost to the point of distraction. The latest movie I’ve seen consisted of an ‘ok’ story and fifteen minutes of pure delight coming from the fight scene near the end. Now I take that scene, which I deem good enough to actually purchase the movie for, and apply it within my mind to Jeremiah Stone. I take actors I’ve seen in other movies, assigning them to characters with Jeremiah Stone, and imagine their interactions. And in my mind my book suddenly comes to life. Overall, I think they’d all make for good movies. Realistically though, I’d be happy if they just made one.

So those are the two things on my mind of late concerning Jeremiah Stone. Now back to finishing another possible movie. LOL

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