Sunday, June 10, 2012


So I got sent a blog about how to write more when a person actually sits down to write. And though the blog was a bit long winded, the gist of it was to plan your writing in your head before you write and get excited about it. When you’re excited about writing a scene then the words tend to flow more. The other thing the blog mentioned was to not worry about grammar at the time, but rather just getting the words onto paper. Now I can agree with all of these and do the first two all the time, though I can’t seem to let a glaring grammatical error linger as I continue down the paragraph. I have to go back and correct it.

The one other thing I do is review what I’ve written once I’m down, either by reading it or going over it in my mind. This helps me verify the content stays true to the characters especially in conversations. And this is what I believe to be the true art of writing, staying in character. Clear precise descriptions, believable settings, and an intriguing storyline are of course necessary for a good story, but engaging characters are what draw in readers. This is why I go over my conversations over and over again, but again these are just part of the whole, albeit an important part.  

These things together make a good story, but it’s the writing of it I’m concerned with now. To write a story that flows, that has continuity, I believe the writer needs to write out a complete thought, a scene, an action sequence to its fullest all at once. They have to capture the moment as it were. To do this I normal try to write either full chapters at a time or leave off between scenes within a chapter. To write a little bit of a scene and then put it down requires that I be in the same mood, same mindset as when I first started writing it. This is not an easy thing to do.

This brings me to my current stasis, yes – stasis. I’ve not written in a couple weeks because I can seem to find the motivation, the same level of intensity, as I did a few weeks ago. Therefore my story has stagnated, though I haven’t been stagnate. I have worked through the scene, or rather the upcoming scene, in my mind. I still haven’t settled on how it’s going to take place, but I’ve worked through and around a few of my issues. Shortly I think I’ll be able to finally start writing it out provided I give myself enough time to do so.

Anyway, I hope it turns out better than what I’ve planned so far because I don’t want to have to delete another three to four pages like I did the last time I tried to work through this area of the book.

Wish me luck.

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