Monday, February 25, 2013

What would you do?

In the middle of writing Burden, the next book on my agenda to complete, and already the main character has lied, stolen, and killed in order to gain immortality, but is that enough. Can he stop there even though he grows stronger with every artifact he assembles? That's the question we all probably ask ourselves at one time; can we go just a little further without hurting anyone else? More often than not, we can't.

Of course every situation is different and everyone has different levels of need and self-control. Some of you could probably stop with ease while others, the more desperate of us, would continue on saying 'I can do just a little more and everything will be fine'. Let me tell you, it's never fine unless you have no sense of regret because even if you're not hurting anyone else, you're demoralizing yourself. And in the years to come you'll wonder if it was really worth it.

Now my main character doesn't have months, but rather weeks to reach his goal. He's being chased by an unknown party who seems to have limitless funds and henchmen with lethal intent. But immortality is immortality. It's the dream of many, but truly what is it worth.Is it worth the death of another? I would say not, but I'm not from an impoverished background of brutality, hate, and addiction.My main character is, so he's seen the worst in people, he's endured loss, and he's dealt with pain, physically and mentally.

Knowing this, feeling the anguish and hate from the moment of your birth throughout your entire life, would it matter if a few people got hurt for you to get a step ahead of everyone else? So if you open that dark place within your soul and peer into the blackness which you keep hidden, would you be willing to commit a few sins to rule the world. After all, with the amount of power immortality could bring you it'd be an easy thing to make the world a better place, don't you think?

This is what Drazan had in mind when he first started down this path, but can he really do it and have his soul survive.

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