Sunday, May 11, 2014

An Excerpt from Hades

Lucifer's Promises:

“That’s your problem, Alastair, I am smarter than you. I realize Lucifer’s treachery whereas you still pine for his favor.”
At his words, Limbus watched Alastair pause in contemplation as well as recognizing the superiority in Hades’ tone. His friend was about to explain Alastair’s fallacy and Limbus was intrigued at what might be revealed.

“What carrot did he dangle before your nose to have to go against what you hate, to enlist humans to your cause when they are what you despise the most? What promise did he make that you now must share the accomplishment of your glorious plan with the likes of Balam and Gaap? To think that if you don’t kill me than your success will be spread even thinner across Avnas, Ukobach, and Caim. Which one of those three will receive the glory of my death in his eyes? Will you even be considered victorious within his mind? Or would you just be a stepping stone to another’s success?” Hades questioned, pausing to let his words sink in. Then, with sly confidence, he continued. “Did you truly consider his words, Alastair, or did they blind you like they blinded us before? So what did Lucifer truly say? Or did you not listen beyond what he promised you? Was it a seat at his side?” Hades scoffed. “Are you to become his favorite?” Hades paused as the demon across from him became thoughtful. “You forget, Alastair, Lucifer lies! That is his talent. That is the gift HE gave him. That is the gift Lucifer shared with us once we became his. Yest you forget, he breathes deception with every breath. He knows nothing else. He is its master whereas we are mere students,” Hades clarified in detail. “You will never become his favorite for more than what you see within your own hopes. You have been tricked by him once again, as we all have. But at least I now choose to avoid his offers of power whereas you still cling to his broken promises. That is your mistake, Alastair. You still trust where trust has been broken.”

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