Sunday, September 14, 2014

So It Begins

For the past couple of years, ever since I published my first book, I have delays this. The task was too vast, too monumental, to even consider especially when taking into account my editing skills. Now, however, I have started it and I'm excited. What am I referring to, you might ask. Well, let me explain.

When I was seventeen, I began writing. My purpose was to produce something which countered the standard trilogy. I wanted characters which were not the norm, which were neither good not evil, but were rather just human. Character which made logical choices, hard choices, and people could relate to. In addition, I thought to write a single novel. Of course, I never realized I was so prolific. Nor did I understand the depth of the story I embarked upon. In the end, my initial forte in to writing soon expanded from one book to three to six and finally to seven complete novels over the expanse of eighteen years. 

By the time I completed them, they were my love. They held within their pages so much of me, so many of my wants, my thoughts, and my imagination, I could hardly contain my excitement. But then reality hit. The novels were too long and I was unpublished. In a fit of correcting both, I lengthened the series from seven to nine books by splitting them apart, reformatting them, and cutting out chapters which weren't necessary. I was my own harshest critic; and still I knew they were not ready.

Instead, I started writing Jeremiah Stone. That single book has now evolved into a series far beyond what I first believed. During those years, I also wrote a few other novels, but none of them he;d my passion, my heart. At least not as strongly as my first attempt at writing. And to set the record straight, all my writing beyond this first series has only been an exercise to establish myself as a write and author. This is not to say I do not care about my other novels, but rather to emphasize my love of my original series.

Now, I have begun the task of editing my original epic adventure. In all, these nine books contain a total of over 1,000,000 words between them. There are characters within those pages which bring tears to my eyes or anger to my heart. But most of all, I love every single one of them and I tend to root for the bad guys more often than not. My goal with all this it to publish the first book of the series by March 2015. It's a daunting task, but I have set my mind to it. Wish me luck in finishing it.

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