Saturday, May 9, 2015

Back to Editing

I took a break from writing/editing far longer than I expected, but now that I'm back on the road I'm at it again. Right now I'm still working on Mage of Chaos from my #ShadowGodsSeries. Again, even after editing it once, I'm finding far more mistakes than I'd like on the second go-round. This is both good and bad. Good because the edits are needed and I'm able to tailor my words to reach a more common thread with my readers. Bad because it takes so long to correct things. I wish it weren't so, but wishes get you nowhere unless you act upon them. In all, this only means I'll have to do another read-through before sending it out to beta-readers.

On the other side, I'm still stuck on my other novels. Opal is stagnant. Dream savior I haven't even opened up. And Ascension has gone nowhere. I guess I really need to get past this mental block and move on...

Better luck tomorrow, I hope...

1 comment:

  1. You should let me beta test read your new edits. :) Since I've already read some earlier versions.
