Thursday, May 2, 2013

Problem Solved

Since finishing Burden, I've tried to decide what project I should take on next only to have it fall upon Child of Need. Again, the book will take a little bit of research to complete, but I think it will be by far simpler than Burden. As to what the book is about, think about the possibility of Astrology actually having more meaning than just offering up personality traits. What if the alignment of the planets imbued powers unto a few who were born at the right place at exactly the right time? And now base those powers on what we know of Greek Mythology. For instance, what if being born under the planet Mars (known for being the God of War) imbued an aggressive, confrontational nature? Take it one step further and it could provide the answer to Hitler, Genghis Khan, or Napoleon. Think about it, but for now I’ll leave you with just that.

As for Burden, I've printed it off and given it to my son to read. He’ll be done with it in a couple days, since he’s an avid reader, and I’ll get my first feedback on the story. From there, I’ll make a few corrections (depending on his response), then push it toward editing.

And speaking of editing, I've decided I’ll start working on my series of nine books in between corrections on Burden, co-authoring Dream Savior, and writing Child of Need. It’s a lot to deal with, but just as when I was writing Burden, I was working on the beginning of three other books and editing two others. I guess I’m just a gluten for punishment when it comes to taking on projects.

Now for something different: Willful Denial
I trail my fingertips across her breeding hips and ponder the smoothness of her skin. It makes me wonder of the future, of where my life is heading, and whether I shall ever leave a legacy upon this world, if even such a thing matters. I doubt it, as I imagine the pitter-patter of feet echo through my mind. In some ways I hope it never comes to pass because what is there to live for in this world. I witness suffering, crime, and societal degradation daily. These things do not lighten my heart, but rather puts a burden upon it. Still, there must be some value to this existence, some importance for being here. Then I remember myself and peer downward only to find you at me side. My life does have meaning because you have touched it. You have given significance where none has existed before. Knowing this, feeling this, experiencing this only makes me realize I will not deny this from another, especially an unborn child.

1 comment:

  1. I read Burden a few years ago when you started it...but have to read the new and improved version!

    Child of Need sounds pretty cool...makes me think about what kind of super cool power I would have as a Gemini :-)
