Friday, September 4, 2015

My Writing Voice

I love writing. I mean I really love it. I may not be good at it, but it drives me. It allows me to express myself in dozens of ways. I can become a character. I can direct a situation toward my goals. I can control the outcome and every facet of it both before and after its occurence. It makes me invincible. It makes me a god.

Yet, it also makes me vulnerable.

Writing exposes the soul. It's personal. It opens up your hopes and fears for someone else to view them. It allows people to see a part of you that you might want to keep hidden. It provides people, people you don't even know, a view of your inner self. It's frightening because it shows everyone a piece of your heart.

But will I stop writing? NEVER!!!

Writing is who I am, what I am, and what I wish to become. It pushes me from one day to the next in a manner nothing else can. It is the one part of me I willingly share with everyone willing to listen, yet I hope no one pays close enough attention to discover my secrets. It is my dream, my heart, and my soul. It is me.

I only say this because I'm editing a section of Priest of Chaos I truly love. It's about a man in turmoil, driven by forces outside his control, but still in touch with what's happening around him enough to know that he doesn't like what he's doing. In a way, this is my life; many of our lives. We fight. We struggle. We want more, want better, but we succumb to our existence. We survive just as he's doing. We wish we could change it, change the world, but we know one voice hardly makes a difference.

What each of us has to remember is that change usually starts with just one voice. Tomorrow, make that voice yours.


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