Friday, January 13, 2012

Objects In Mirror Are Larger Than They Appear

So I’ve become a bit bloggy lately, which is to say I’ve been reading and writing a little of each for a couple of reasons. First, I need to improve on my writing skills and every little bit helps. Second, since I have a book coming out shortly I need to promote it in many different ways with blogging being one of them. And last, its good to read a good piece of writing to keep your mind fresh and diversified. After all, if you don’t read and only write than how do you know if a- its good and b- if your reaching your audience. With this in mind I’ve read a few blogs, but nothing struck me as odd as the last few.

Now I digress with a short story. During a point in my life I lived in Germany and drove a Volvo or Mercedes (both of which are used as taxis over there so it’s like driving a Ford here, except they last longer). Anyway, the edges of the mirrors of European cars are rounded so the driver has a better view of their blind spots, just as some American cars do now. What I find funny about this is there is no warning on the mirrors of the European vehicles, unlike American cars. Why is that?

The answer is – drum roll please – Lawyers! At some point in time somebody switched lanes thinking the lane was clear because the car in the mirror was tiny only to find they took off the other guy’s front-quarter panel.

‘But officer, he looked like he was way behind me when I switched lanes.’

Now mix in one attorney and you have a recipe for a MAJOR lawsuit simply because there was an idiot behind the wheel.

The problem I have is its gotten so much worse. There are warnings on everything now, some of which I agree with, but some I find down right asinine. For instance, again in Europe, the warning label on a pack of cigarettes simply says DEATH or CANCER in big bold letters. I agree with that and I even agree with the warning label on American cigarettes even though you need a magnifying glass to read it. What I disagree with is the warning at the beginning of movies (on DVD) that post the opinions or actions within do not reflect the view of BLAH,BLAH,BLAH production company or any of its employees. I mean REALLY!!!

Is someone really going to watch a science fiction movie where the impossible happens and then file a lawsuit that it can’t be real or take one of the actor’s viewpoints (often out of context) and use it against the production company or any of its employees. The answer is someone already has because there wouldn’t be a warning otherwise.

I could go on and probably offend a few people about how sue-happy our society has gotten because somebody thinks they should have what someone else does and not work for it. But I won’t.

The real reason I bring this up is I have a book coming out shortly where the story is based on the ‘Book of Job’, so it has a religious connection. This reference, however, is just a supporting point  why one character is the way he is and does not reflect any other views the author (me) has. So, my question is, do I have to put a warning on the cover stating the religious references are only to support the plot and are not meant to elevate or degrade any religion, deity, demi-god, pagan, atheist, or other religions view held by any of the book’s readers or non-readers.

Of course this is all in jest, but please don’t sue me. Now please remain seated as I return you to your regular blog posts. LOL


  1. ROFLMAO....yes you really must put a warning lable on it just in case some nitwit reads something into it that was not intended and don't forget to add that drinking HOT coffee during the reading of your book might result in burns if they get excited about specific passages and happen to spill some. Better cover all your tracks.

    Awesome post!

  2. Nice post....I couldn't agree with you more. Our "I want the easy way out" society has driven us to protect ourselves with a message in hopes it will prevent negative action. So many people have profited from loopholes in the system and see dollar signs. Unfortunately, I don't see it getting better, because rules are made to be broken, but you can't make broken rules (a little Bone Thugs & Harmony reference...yeah) . Some lawyers make a living fighting for those loopholes because they'll always exist.

  3. I love how you have to cover your ass on everything. No one could possibly be expected to read and understand every single thing in those disclaimers. Unless you happen to be some kind of idiot savant rules lawyer. lol

    I nice one is "DO NOT place a live animal in the microwave. Doing so could be fatal."

    Well, duh?

  4. @Morgurth - That is unless you're aching for a little cooked Chihuahua. LMAO
